As a chartered accountant and experienced auditor he founded the company REVI & Partners and has been partner since the origins in 1990. He wrote different works regarding management, administration and accounting for a well-known book series published by Sole 24 Ore. He gained a solid experience in the field of corporate reorganization, special financial operations, management audit and corporate finance. He is very experienced in all the main economic sectors and he has been dealing for a long time with public sector, public companies and no profit organizations.
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae

Chartered accountant and auditor with over thirty-year experience as auditing partner in a worldwide known Audit-Company, he is currently entrusted with the important function of "quality assurance". Thanks to his international orientation he is an expert for what concerns the Italian and international accounting principles, IFRS and USA-Gaap, as well as the Italian and international auditing principles. He gathered a deep knowledge in the financial sector, in the company valuation, in special operations and also in the stock market quotations. He had several commissions as an external expert and also numerous tasks for due diligence engagements at home and abroad.

Matthias ObristPARTNER
Accountant and commercial law expert with a more than ten-year experience. After an outstanding carrier in REVI & Partners he became partner in 2014. He has a solid knowledge and experience in the following sectors: industry, commerce, civil and structural engineering and service companies. He is well known for being an expert in the energy sector and particularly in the electricity generation both with renewable and non-renewable energy resources. He is an expert also with respect to IT-Systems, user manuals for internal company organization as well as for bookkeeping. He held numerous seminars and courses regarding these themes.
To complete REVI & Partners human resources we have to mention additionally more than 10 professional freelancers and coworkers. They are affiliated senior and junior specialists belonging to offices in Verona, Vicenza and Rome. They are all specialized in the area of accounting.
LANGUAGES USED AT WORK: Italian, German, English and French
To complete REVI & Partners human resources we have to mention additionally more than 10 professional freelancers and coworkers. They are affiliated senior and junior specialists belonging to offices in Verona, Vicenza and Rome. They are all specialized in the area of accounting.
LANGUAGES USED AT WORK: Italian, German, English and French