REVI & Partners was very successful in performing a great variety of due diligence tasks. The result for our customers is a quite risk save contracting with third parties saving money for to high selling prices!

Pre-acquisition due diligence: this specific advisory on the feasibility of purchase operations of company’s stocks, enterprises or single branches is normally performed before the signing of these different kind of agreements. The final goal is a complete view on the expected revenues of the business, on the hidden risks of the take over and on the fair value for a final price negotiation. In this way the buyer is recommended about any required clause to ensure the proper result for his own investment.

Post-acquisition due diligence: a post-acquisition due diligence is normally needed after the execution of any above mentioned agreement and often is limited to a specific goal such as the auditing of the definitive selling price with the calculation of the right price adjustment. Sometime this kind of advisory is also needed when withdrawing from an agreement or in the case of a damage compensation between parties.